Comments (18)
server offline
wow thx umm well pets might not be here for a long time but ill hopefully releae like next year june something
man i love this game honestly it is soooo worth 50 cents but when is their going to be pets?
Dark Knights Online (FULL VERSION)
Whats new?
-New Halloween items!
-More maps!
And their maybe more updates coming out!
here is the back story of dark knights online (P.S if i made any errors in the story just ignore please!
The story dark knights online took place about in the medieval times. It started in a small town called crowtopia. The reason why it was called crowtopia was because there were a lot of black crows and darkness…. In that town if someone saw 6 crows flying by that would mean something had died. The city can be mostly described as dark, dull, and silent. The city crowtopia never started as a DARK, Dull, SILENT CITY! In fact before the town wasn’t even called crowtopia. Crowtopia got its name from The one and only Dark Knight! Him and his henchmen started to terrorize other cities . He didn’t care for no one not even for his parents and henchmen. He actually started to live on his own when he was 5. Then one Day He saw that alot of black crows started to circle around him. The crows thought that he was one of them so the crows started to caw really loud then magically a dark old mage suddenly appeared. This mage was not like the others he was the most strongest of them all! Then he took the little kid to his lair and raised him and teached him bad stuff! After when the dark knight turned 16 the old dark mage had lended his powers to the dark knight before he had passed away. After the dark knight only saw darkness in him! So now it is your job for you to open up the light for the dark knight and show him what light looks like! This will be a tough journey!!