Comments (4)
Please give me pink lemonade gfuel. What you guys are doing is so cool. It is great to know there are people like you in the gaming community.
i want gfuel faze berry
G-fuel orange
Darkness from beneath(demo)
This is the demo for Darkness from beneath
full game
Game Soundtrack
Darkness form beneath is an rpg maker horror game a bout a warrior name jei who is trapped in an underworld stronghold.
Make sure to move one step right when first spawn in the game then press enter and do the same when you get of the bed in cut scene 2 , which follows directly after the fist one. You will also be able to press enter next to items to get info on them.
The bug will be fixed soon and you will be able to play the other half of the game
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language