Comments (4)
Is it still in development?
This looks like this could be implemented to a 3d game, so where you can create your own character & fight enemies, lvl up and gain more stats & buy moves, explore & do all sorts of stuff, even shopping & gaining Zeni through fighting enemies. & also have boss's to fight, get special boss's as the main villians of Dragon ball, Dragon ball z, And Dragon ball super. thats only the few ideas i gave you. Use it wisely & think some stuff through & make the game with little glitch's & good quality gameplay & make the game feel longer to play. if you follow these instructions, you can make a very good game, even better then dbz kakarot even. Good luck.
Dragon Ball Ultra X is a game that wants to include all fights in dragon ball series, also to have all the fighters. The special in this game is that every character has its own code and its own way to fight also its own powers, speed, health and ki power and special moves.
The game needs time and needs the support.
Hope we can make our goals :)