
Decaying Damnation
For as long as history could tell, creatures known as Umbras have wandered through leaks around the world to feed on the spirits and wills of Humanity. It isn't clear why this phenomenon occurs, but after centuries of fighting back to no avail, most people have lost the will against to stand against the Umbras any longer.
Kazu's Story:
Kazu Norowa, a resident of Hon Kage City, isn't one to give so much as a quick thought for the society that surrounds him. Whether or not people are tormented by the Umbras mattered little to him, though he didn't wish to be indistinguishable from the cowards that allow the Umbras to do so; thus, he makes an effort to fight back, if only to set himself apart. It isn't long afterwards that Kazu encounters Phay Hikari, a girl who is also fighting against the Umbras, but for more humane reasons. They begin to travel together, despite their significant differences, and meet several others that share a mutual goal, all with their own unique reasons and backstories.
However, things aren't as black and white as they seemed, as the comrades discover the solutions to the mysteries surrounding the Umbras, and secrets are revealed about themselves along the way.
Adding Variety to Battle:
To fight against the Umbras, Exlcorp has developed of equipment known as Eliciters: elemental weaponry that takes its power from gems of condensed energy. Each character utilizes his or her own unique set of elemental skills, but Kazu is able to switch Eliciter Gems, effectively altering his skillset and role in battle on the fly.
(Comparable to switching Personas in the SMT: Persona series)
Fusion Skills
If a two characters use specific skills back-to-back, they will unleash what is known as a "Fusion Skill," which combines aspects from both abilities while simultaneously adding extra oomph. These are key to dishing out loads of extra damage, and sometimes even bolstering support skills!
Kazu: Kazenna
Phay: SierraVO
Jin: Gotti
Airi: MoonNue
Hiro: Nickpop123
Waru: Avenir
Exle: NickATheVA
Additional Voices (Listed In-Game) : Shanemagi, Ashi, Clutch Roadagain, Adam Wennick, Joellamae, Aliceluna
Scripts & Plugins
Yanfly, VM of DT, Modern Algebra, Yami, Pacman, Kread-EX, Casper Gaming, Zerbu, Trihan
Character Portraits: Slime-Frog
Scenarios: Shyjoker
Koun'na's Design: Buusimo22
Additional Assistance: Gotti, Nickpop123, Yuddha
Music (The music comes from the various other games and content creators listed below; if any of these sources wishes me not to utilize the content, I will gladly remove & replace):
The World Ends With You
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ReMIX
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 ReMIX
Chrono Cross
Persona 3
Persona 4: Golden
Persona 4 - Dancing All Night
Persona 5
Persona Q
Tales of Graces f
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of Hearts R
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Zestiria
Angel Beats
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Dead Rising 2
Corpse Party: Blood Covered
Cabal Online
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Final Fantasy X-X2 Remastered
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core
Final Fantasy XV
I am Setsuna
Xenoblade Chronicles
Touhou - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
Touhou - Memories of Phantasm