Comments (25)
https://youtu.be/1VQ3oKNL7HU Sooo, this game got weird and fast! I don't know whether to love it or be weirded out, but if you like weird and grotesque things, definitely check it out! Tbh, I lied, I love this game and want more! XD On a serious note, I love point and click and I love creepy, surreal things. You guys did awesome and I hope to see more!
This game was deeply disturbing as well as very surreal in nature.
Lovely, creepy game! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the Adventure Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/cHvJMNt-G2M
Hello! I really loved your game. I can't wait to see what you make of it in the future! I made a small let's play of it here~
It's always a good sign to the artist when the audience experiences their work with a positive and pleasant lack of fulfillment. IE, the "PLEASE FINISH THIS I NEED MORE" effect. Which you have successfully lured me into, you seductive bastard.
I'm a sucker for somber, peculiar art like this, but I was also impressed with your sound choices and editing. Pretty solid, mang. I hope that your statements to continue are actually being set in motion; please don't let this turn into a forgotten project!
Obligatory let's play comment here: https://youtu.be/nFc2QuV-I3o

You don't know where you are. It's dark, and it's loud. This isn't necessarily a bad or a frightening place, but it's disorienting and it's large. What do you feel?
Deep Cuts is a spin on the puzzle point-n-click genre. It's dark and it's somber. It's your job as the player to experience and interpret it for yourself.