
Deep Space
Space shooter
How to play:
Use arrows keys or WSAD to move and tap Spacebar to shoot.
If you want to pause the game, click pause button or Esc.
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Patch notes:
Patch 1.0.2:
-Mothership will now move farther to the sides, and has an increased fire rate in order to make the battle more challenging.
-Player is no longer limited by invisible walls on top and bottom of the screen.
-From now on, health will be limited to 12 HP max.
-Picking up repair power-up while at maximum health will give the player a shield.
-The player's health bar will now fade towards center as the player takes damage, instead of fading from right to left.
Patch 1.0.1:
-Fixed mothership graphics.
-Fixed bug where picking up a rapid fire power-up would not refresh the current rapid fire effect.
-Fixed highscore system: in order to save new highscore a player MUST DIE!!!