Comments (1)
Deepfrying Dory
Deepfrying Dory
a game by NESMario123
Polt (yes, i spelt that wrong in the game, shut the fuck up.)
Admiral's Sextuplet Double Gangbanger cousins, Emperadore Limpy Ass Lemon Dick was walking to the 7/11 one day, then dory came and asked him the whereabouts of the man who is about to fry her and Emperoer LALD responded with "not now, i'm too busy masturbating totally not a lie" so he ran to the YTP station to masturbate so ellelelelen degenerate can fuck off. meanwhile, dory must Damn straight to go to the next level to become the one and only... but she must get through the fans who banter with hot spicey onion ring banters first.
How to become smarter than Christopher Nolan
Arrows To Move
X to Damn Straight to pop Fans
F1 for Help
Escape Destroys your Computer
F9 reapes 9gag
if you have any questions, please ask at Youtube.com/NESMario123