
Comments (719)

What do you think?

this game is criminally underated

Can I have a hint on breaking your soul before pressing start because i've tried almost everything and I still don't know where to do it. (and also maybe a hint on the secret gamemode too) but everything else i've found out.

That is a VERY good mod, i enjoyed it pretty much, the only problem for me is: On my second playthrough when i decided to attack, when it came to that one moment with "downed" Ralsei and one hit Susie it was obvious for me that you can use ReviveMint on Ralsei and then use Pacify on Susie, however game didn't let me do this, as Ralsei still had -1 HP (he had normal idle animation tho), and I (after various attempts to spare Susie) had to attack her. Now, is it intentional that you can't do what I tried to do, or was it so sort of bug? If it's just a missed opportunity to ad a "pacify" moment, then I'm sad

(Sorry for grammar, I'm not that good at English)

because i am bored asf i will give you free awards

  1. nightmare mode, spam click hardcore mode

  2. Kround skin, press tab mid battle to change the background to the casino one and beat phase 2 with it

  3. btw easy mode still gives awards

  4. do pacifist twice (not the fourth phase mercy tho do the earlier mercy)

  5. hold your mouse over the snowflakes and hold 13 to get an award

  6. check the credits for an award and music

  7. click the heart on the title a couple of times to get the broken heart award

    well thats all folks! actually not all i forgot to say that if you beat any phase in easy mode you still get the "beat this phase without healing" i thought some people would get confused with this due to easymode giving free health but yeah just beat the phases without using any food items in easy mode to do it Now i can say

    THATS ALL FOLKS !1!11!!111!


dont let kris get angry (found the secret to get it you must spam click hardcore mode until that appears)


Deltarune Rouxls Kaard

Version: 1.2.2about 1 year ago
This is a Create Your Frisk mod, please refer to the description for the link to dowload. To install the game, first download the Create Your Frisk engine to run it. Secondly, extract the Rouxls Kaard .zip file into Create Your Frisk's 'Mods' Folder. Finally, open Create Your Frisk, find Deltarune Rouxls Kaard and click it. Enjoy!

Halloween Skin Pack

Version: 0.1.1about 1 year ago
[Warning: This only works with version 1.2.0 and above!] After extracting the .zip file, put the extracted folder into deltarune-rouxls-kaard-official > Skin Packs, then enjoy your new skins!

Christmas Skin Pack

Version: 0.1.0about 1 year ago
[Warning: This only works with version 1.2.0 and above!] After extracting the .zip file, put the extracted folder into deltarune-rouxls-kaard-official > Skin Packs, then enjoy your new skins!

Witness the Duke of Puzzles, the Crafty Box-Maker, the... Lesser Dad? Fight in a battle of wit and unfair advantages readily given to your opponent, thee Rouxls Kaard. Puzzling jukes, jabs, and jars are sure to trip you up so keep your head (and your HP) high whilst combat commenceth.

This is a Create Your Frisk mod and you must have or install the necessary software to play the game. ALSO it only works on CYF 0.6.5, so make sure you're not using anything higher or lower.
You can dowload Create Your Frisk Here.
Click Here if you're using Mac.
Click Here if you're using Linux.

This game is not lag optimized. You may experience lag spikes or low FPS which could cause your game to malfunction, crash, or softlock. Sorry if this happens to you! If you find any bugs or issues please report them in the comments.

Listen to the OST on the Youtube Channel, Dominus Maestro!

Gameplay is usually around an hour. Trying to achieve 100% might take an additional few hours.
The controls are mostly the same as they are in Deltarune:
WASD/Arrows - Movement, Selection
Z/Enter - Confirm, Continue
X/Shift - Cancel, Skip
F4/Alt+Enter - Toggle Fullscreen
Escape - Exit Game (Esc+Q exits faster)
Tab - Settings Mini Menu

If the download button isn't working, you can click Here to download the game instead.

#undertale #deltarune #rouxlskaard #fangame #rpg #createyourfrisk #createyourkris #tobyfox

Fantasy Violence

Version 1.2.1 is out!
This update adds many things including:
Mac Support (Untested)
Christmas Theme
Many Bug Fixes
This update also comes paired with new Christmas themed Skins for download!
Check out the article below for more detail.


Completely forgot I'm supposed to update the patch number. (The '0' in 1.2.0)
Guess the game's gonna be saying '1.2.2' until 1.2.1 comes out.

Version 1.2.0 is out!

You can now Download skins and put them into Rouxls Kaard! Currently there is only a Halloween themed skin pack, but more should come in the future! Maybe you could even make you own?

Check the article below for all the details.

Version 1.1.2 is now out! Wow these upates just keep coming don't they? This is a much smaller one but also an important one. If you've been experiencing any bugs, you might want this! As always, check out the article below for a more in-depth Update Log.

Version 1.1.1 is out! And Much sooner than I expected/wanted to be honest. I realized the last release actually had a debugging feature still enabled, so I wanted this out asap. If you want a bit more detail the article below is a complete update log.

New 1.1.0 update is out!
This update slightly lowers the difficulty of Stage 4, and now you can get a new "sub-ending" by maybe finding a way to spare a friend? That as well as more.
You can check out the attached article for a more in-depth update log.

The build has been replaced with a slightly more convenient one. The old one had to be extracted then had the folder inside taken out. This new one just has to be extracted. No extra steps. If anyone is still confused feel free to comment. Thank you!