Comments (787)

Screenshots show FNaF 6 Endoskeletons
All of you people came here because of FNAF (Let us be honest)
Please add There Is No Pause Button
This was an interesting but well made RPG game. I had never heard of the "Desolate" series before this game, but know I want to look into them. The art style and graphics are unique and well fitting for the game. The music and atmosphere is cool in wonky but it works well together. The story is interesting and the writing is somewhat dark for the atmosphere of the game and I like it. All in all and fun game to play, I also did a quick video showing off my experiance with the game if anyone is interested.
I'M A COFFEE MAKER? | The Desolate Room
The Desolate Room
The Desolate Room is a prequel to The Desolate Hope. I made this game over ten years ago but I think it's still a pretty good game. It's more difficult than most of my other games, so this is not for casuals.
This is from an older build of the Clickteam series so it requires a certain dll file to be present in the same directory as the game. The dll file is included in the zip, so just extract it to the same directory as the exe, and the game will work.