
Comments (79)

What do you think?

i already considered these as demos

thank you X for giving us these virus-free builds, excited to play Crawlspace even if the game is unfinished

actually i already played the first 2 nights from society's previous leak, as a sort of demo as i said before

Guys, in the main menu when I click the Load Game to start tha 6th night and, the button dissapears

Some thoughts about the Demo.

From what I played I think the concept of the gameplay is pretty good, at least my interpretation of it, being a camera heavy game but with limited camera usage, with 4 out of the 6 characters being camera threats and the two hallway characters forcing you into vunerable positions (Using power and forcing you into the flipside) so that the camera threats have a greater opportunity to attack, and for the most part the game does this... good enough?

Starting with the Characters, Bonnie is a inoffensive, most of my problems with him doesn't stem from the character itself, more with other factors of the game, which I will talk about later, the only real thing I could suggest with the character itself is maybe panning, but the audio design in this demo is overall pretty lacking, and this sentiment will probably continue.

Chica is also inoffensive, if only a bit easy, but I think most of her problems come from the alarm. I do LOVE how her renders were done, making her shrouded in darkness, with the main giveaway of her appearence being the candlelight on her cupcake, its a pretty clever use of her design in relation to her mechanic. But back to the Alarm, I feel like its just too spammable, it being just a key and not a button on the camera UI is interesting... but I feel it's for the downfall of the characters that use it, honestly just making it a 1to1 of the FNaF 3 lures would probably do it for me, lastly she could probably do with a sound for being repelled by the Alarm, more feedback is always nice.

Some of my issues start to arise with Foxy, who in theory is completely fine; he forces some power out of you so you have less for cams, but the problem is that the flashlight is just too easy to skim power with. Assuming this is just a 1to1 of FNaF2, it is just more efficient to just deal with him in short flashes. So either Foxy needs a buff or the Flashlight needs a nerf, I feel like a Flashlight nerf would sting less with audio cues for when Foxy (and by extension Freddy) enters the hall but I will let future AAT (If there is one) decide on that, regardless hallway sound cues would be a helpful addition since you kind of don't really know whats going on when you are on cams.

The game kind of falls apart by night 3, for one Puppet doesn't work but we will get to that.

Freddy is another character who is fine, except I feel like his intervals kind of lend him into setting up combos that are really hard to deal with, him with Puppet is especially deadly (If Puppet's kill trigger worked), additionally - and I don't know if this is just because of the lag because the game is poorly optimised or not - but Flipside Freddy is too short, I can barely see him from the flashbang I got from flipping in the first place, so just make his intervals offset with everyone else and make him last longer in the Flipside, him lasting longer in the flipside may make him invalidate the stability mechanic more than he already does but I just see the Flipside as a vehicle to get you out of cams so whatever, you may disagree but thats what I see (I can't see anyone willingly flipping because of stability in a night where Freddy is at a high AI level).

Puppet doesn't work, and thats an issue for this post because I don't know how he is meant to work so I can't really give feedback, I can conjure up a fixed Puppet in my head but I can't guarantee that it's the vision that is intended for the game. Regardless, I am going to pretend Puppet works.
From what I gathered, his killtimer feels a bit strict, I don't know how obvious his appearance on cams is - because he doesnt show up - (I would just make it like Dormitabis Night 12) but I feel if I were to miss him on a cam cycle and I have to regenerate power Puppet would've already killed me, extending the music track to line up with his kill timer (similar to Dormitabis) would probably clear some of the confusion with how much of a priority Puppet actually is, but I am still uncertain if he just kills too quick. Additionally, Freddy and Puppet should have their intervals as seperate as much as possible, it is just not a fun combo, Puppet sharing intervals with camera threats is fine because you could do them in a single cam cycle and feel like a god (if the game was optimised), but not Freddy, Hell I can even see Foxy being a trouble combo with Puppet sometimes if you are being sloppy with power at least thats controllable, Freddy just forces you in a situation where Puppet can very easily just kill you. Also make it a set few cameras Puppet can spawn in so there is a learning curve to him and it's not just pure RNG, something like what Chica already does.

Garvey is pretty whatever, again similar issue with Chica, the Alarm is just too spammable, maybe if there was a cooldown there could be a fun balancing act between Garvey and Chica, but as it stands its super boring. The lamest character atm. Cont...


  1. Why am I playing the old game then at 3am it switches?


  3. Why did I randomly die at 5am?

  4. Why were they less aggressive in the remaster version? (Only bonnie moved and not fast.)

  5. Why all the sudden after starting the game up and being put in the old version of the menu am I in the new menu?

    I tried making this list in order of events, but might not be entirely in order.

thank god this is virus free. also i think society got banned



deretsameRytinasnI (NON-CANON)

Version: 0.9.010 months ago
This was the version of CRAWLSPACE that we made before the Overhaul. The lore is different and NOT canon to the Trilogy, But the game is mostly finished.

BadDevGameSimulator (NON-CANON)

Version: 0.1.010 months ago
This is Needed in order to access the rest of deretsameRytinasnI, so MAKE SURE TO DOWNLOAD THIS. (DISCLAIMER: It shows that you have to let the publisher make changes, that is only because it needs to make changes the .ini file of the MFA so that you can proceed.) MAKE SURE TO PLAY AS Crawling : Mustard or it won't work! (Still not sure why Bithell decided to do that, but I know why we cut it lol) IF YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE DOING THIS: Then go to your MMFApplications open "ytinasnI" then paste "Access Granted=1"

Game Soundtrack

5 songs


aer I mA..

.laer ti si ro

laer t'nsi taht gnihtemos htiw gnicnad ,dnim fo tuo gnilaripS

.tnerruc ruoy ni ecaf uoy tahw si ,won era uoy erehw edisni erutuf ruoy ni wonk ot noos dna ,tsap ruoy morf nwonk reve ev'uoy llA

...sevil tsap rieht morf sluos fo sdnim deyortsed dna nekorb eht morf demrof si ,ecalp sihT

.yawa gnidih yb ,niap taht epacse ot yrt taht sluos esoht rof ecalp a si siht ,sgniht gniyfirret erom otni dael ot tub ,niap rieht epacse ot ,neht derudne yeht niap dna yresim rieht htiw laed ot yaw a sa ,sevil suoiverp rieht eviler ot og sluos hcihw ni ,secalp eht era ereht neht dnA

.dehsinup eb ot dedeen seno eht rof seirotagrup dna ,doog eht rof efilretfa eht ekil secalp s'ereht ,sevil rieht tsol ohw elpoep fo sluos eht ot semoc ti nehW

?laer si ni evil uoy ytilaer eht ekil leef uoy sekam ti taht ,lufrewop os si taht ,maerd a dah reve uoy evaH"

Directed by: BitHell

Co-directed and written by: Taykiraro - | X | - Nixom

Programmed by: BitHell

3D models designed by: BitHell

Environments designed by: BitHell

Soundtrack composed by: Vanchester - BitHell

Art by: sfd28 - PyreLynx

Voice Actors: Taykiraro - | X | - DOGMA - Joe - Monomate

Source material: Salvage (Insanity), Stellawisps (Crawlspace)

Mild Cartoon Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language

The below post aged like milk LOL, But it's still technically true. I will be uploading a teaser in the next month or so which will (at the very least) show off some models for Crawlspace!

Oh! btw, when you play Bad Dev Game Simulator be sure to play as Crawling : Mustard or nothing will happen when you hit 1,000 points