Baby Steps
It's okay, you're just getting used to it. But we all know you can do better... right?
Getting There
You're starting to get rhythm, getting the grip of it.
Monster Lover
You have some kind of weird fetish or something? Evade those things for god's sake! [Get hit by 10 pixel monsters in a single run]
Forrest Gump
Life is like a box of pixels. You never know when you are gonna fall or get derezzed, just when you've ran so far...
Dodge This!
You're the chosen one, Milton.
[Run for more than 50K without being hit by a monster]
UpRes Junkie
You're having a problem and you won't admit it. Fine. But you're gonna go to those PA meetings. [Grab more than 30 UpRes power-ups in a single run ]
I eat pixels like you for breakfast
I'll sleep when I'm derezzed. Hard? Give me a break. [Run for over 175K on Hard Difficulty]
'Are we there yet?'
So close to finally escape...
Frakkin' Cylon
Are you frakkin kidding me? How did you get so far at this speed? Are you a SMB hardcore player or something? [Run for over 200K on WTF! Difficulty]