Comments (3)
Hahaha this is amazingly bugged, and I love it. Let me list some of the bugs:
Weapon sound is constantly looping, even if no one is shooting.
Jump is meaningless, as you can't move horizontally while jumping.
All text gets selected whenever you drag the mouse
Enemies kill other enemies that are between them and you.
You can keep playing the game indefinitely by just pressing right(D).
As you progress, more enemies spawn each round, which makes it easier and easier, as all bullets are blocked by other enemies.
You can press D, then alt tab or change the browser tab, and the player will automatically progress to the end of the level.
If you move off the screen to the left, you wont be able to get back at all. The moment you are off screen, you are lost in the void.
If you press jump right before the exit, you get transported to the platform above, and if you then move a little to the right you also drop off the map.
Got to repeat the bug from earlier, because it's beautiful: THE ENTIRE GAME CAN BE BEATEN BY PRESSING D
What bothers me, though, is that it has no high score system, and there's not a hint of the theme ("waves"). In any case, I had a blast playing it.
Also, I think I have the highscore now:

Desert Madness
How much will you endure? Freedom is out there.
Game is running here:
It's built out of scratch, so it's more fun to experience how flawlessly it wokrs than to enjoy the gameplay. :D
Source here:
ClojureScript, ReactJS, SVG
Thanks Will for neat sound and Erik for level design & art!
#shooter #action #scorejam #platformer