
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Hey i'm really enjoying your game! The monster really scares me every time it chases me haha which i encounter in the second part. I made the 1st part Lets Play video of it, so if anyone wants to come check it out go right ahead! Make sure to subscribe if you enjoy to support the channel, thanks! :)

Name Your Price

Desolated - The Horror Begins

Version: 1.2.0over 6 years ago
This is the game itself! You want to play this one! Only play the below to play the ancient prototype to compare!
Name Your Price

Desolated The Prototype Version

Version: 0.1.0over 8 years ago
This is the original game made in game maker 8. This is NOT the main version. The main version was remade from the ground up. This one features bugs and clunky old drag and drop code.

Desolated is a mystery horror game in which you must survive, explore, and attempt to escape what appears to be a mansion of some sort. This is not as easy as it may seem because the place might not be as desolated as you thought.

Solve puzzles under pressure of not knowing how safe you really are, open every door with uncertainty. Uncover the mystery of what is happening around you. Escape... (Do a Lets Play Perhaps..?)

The original Prototype version can be found on Game Jolt.

Paying anything would really help me out and would be appreciated!
I'd love to watch Lets Plays of this game!

Esc/Z = MENU
ArrowKeys = MOVE
CONTROLLER SUPPORTED! (You can use a controller.)

Don't feel pressured to pay! Pay nothing! It's okay! However...
If you pay for the game at $0.99 or higher your name will be added to the credits if you put in your email address as a supporter of the game! It will also help me continue to work on the game and improve it more.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language

1.2.0 Released! QoL Improvements and Bug Fixes!

1.1.0 Released!

1.0.8 Released! Thanks SavagePotato!

Version 1.0.7 Released!

Version 1.0.6 Released!