Comments (3)
Simple concept, well made! I included it in part 1 of my TAG Jam 18 compilation video series, if you would like to check it out :)
Cool concept for a game, but this was not challenging at all. I mean, you can't fail. You should add a time limit and/or some obstacles. Good luck! :)
Simple game. Drink 30 bottles of beer. Every bottle speeds you up slightly.
I haven't developed anything in 10 years and this marked a lot of firsts. First Unity project, first game in C#, first 3D project, shortest development time, fewest starting assets.
The game was originally supposed to be a timed sprint from one end of an alley way to another with a blurry shakey first person camera and objects like pink elephants falling from the walls. But I quickly realized this was not going to happen.
In the end I opted to do a simple game I could toy with to learn the engine. Next month I'll be far more prepared.
Assets for the game were gotten for free from the asset store with the exception of the pickup sound effect which was a public domain effect pulled from the internet with no credits.