Comments (2)
I can only spin and shot. I can't move :/
not sure what this game is about
[Ver 0.2]
Updated! New features include vehicle upgrades (purely cosmetic at this point, but the groundwork is in place for a proper system), Unity 5 features(Realtime shadows! Pretty water! New shaders!) and a controllable camera (use the mouse).
A sandbox rpg/top-down shooter about exploration, combat & trade. This is a very early version, with only bare-bones combat & trade. Accelerate/reverse with W & S, turn with A & D & shoot with space. The craft can also be controlled with a gamepad (move with LS & shoot with A), but you'll still need to use a mouse in the menus. Future updates will include a dynamic economy, vehicle upgrades, audio, improved graphics & lighting, new maps & additional vehicles & enemies.