
Comments (8)

What do you think?

WTF DO I DO I PRESSED every single key but doesn't do anything take this game down and I don't care if its early access because you should still be able to do stuff other than move and why do I control both make a cpu fight.WORST GAME EVER

ok nuton


digimon battle unleashed demo 1

Version: 0.1.0over 8 years ago
the demo of the game so please like it and follow me or freind me and ill acept as long as u follow me ok so please love this game so play it go on

this is a digimon fighting game its the first ever digimon game i ever made it might be a bit buggy but its cool if u want to check out my other games and get news about this game and other games so please do plus the pokemon word of battles is over i cant continue its too mutch stress to update it every day so i wont be updating that anymore pleeasse follow me and ill give u all my news about my video games see ya

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