Comments (2)
Neat concept! I included it in my Meatly Jam 2016 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/rfvopttkJbY
I like the idea of the digidemons, I think the mechanic idea is good too, it has potential. However I see it really hard to play because the flashlight is too slow. If you could move the flashlight as swift as you move the mouse, it would be a lot funnier to play. And you could make it progressive to see how long do you last.
By the way, atmosphere and art are really well done! And I understand it is hard to participate solo in a jam.
I know this is a bit of spam, but we have an entry for the Meatly Jam too, if you want to take a look: http://gamejolt.com/games/broken/178647
Digital Demons
You are a young boy, camping out in the forest near his family home. When, as night falls, a digital horror appears. YOUR GAMERPOCKER IS HAUNTED! As the sprites of your gaming device come to life you grab your trusty flashlight to fend of those fiendish 8-bit horrors. When you can’t take anymore the safety of your sleeping bag is your only respite. #meatlyjam