
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Nice game, I smashed my keyboard

I got a chance to play your game and it reminds me of marble madness. My only suggestion for the game add a specular reflection on top of the ball with a shading on the bottom of the ball to improve the vision of ball's movement.


Dodger 2 - alpha - 0.5.2

Version: 0.5.2-alphaalmost 5 years ago
Version 0.5.2! Added music, changed the last level (still a preview level) and fixed a few bugs. NOTE: Downlodable build runs smoother and more stable than the HTML 5 playable build

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Welcome to Dodger 2!

This is just a preview. The game is not finished yet!

Dodger 2 is a sequal to my first ever game made with Unity!

But this time with more features, levels, gamemodes, better graphics, better controls and more.

Go through different interesting levels, each one harder than the last and some chellenge levels on the way.

The full version will also have a "hardcore" mode which is a very hard set of levels and a "highscore" mode which is a very long level that gets harder as further you go!

The game starts very easy, but slowly turns more challenging!


  • a/d or left key/right key to move

  • q to quit to main menu

  • r to restart the level

  • p to pause the game

Current game size: 1.5GB+ (when unzipped)

#rage #arcade #minimalist #Jekirutu


Dodger 2 is delayed!

UI redesign, pause menu, bug fixes and level editor!

Thanks for over 100 views!

Update 0.5.1!

Dodger 2 is now available for download!