Comments (89)
The game is not your best work, being honest. Math is not a fun part of the gameplay loop and sometimes they don't even give a sound cue before murdering me. The mini games aren't fun either. The mini games rely on sound, yet the sound is so confusing since it never sounds like they’re getting further away or closer, leading to multiple frustrating deaths that don’t feel like my fault. I can't say im a fan of this. My biggest grievance though, is making the monitor not have a keyboard. Manually putting it in through touchscreen is a tedious time killer for no actual reason. The designs are nice, but the jumpscares are just underwhelming. The loud sound of a jumpscare is what makes a jumpscare...a jumpscare. I honestly wish that in the future this game can managed to be fix, but for now it's getting a 4/10 and a dislike.

good game
dolma "after math" gat it
Now i understand why is called Aftermath
P.D: Good game, I really enjoy it
Like your voice acting :D
Five Nights at Dolma's: Aftermath

After years of service and tricks, Afton Robotics is finally closing its doors to the public, even all the warehouses affiliated to it.
Due to this event an expedition is done to Robo-Smith with the purpose of obtaining old equipment which wasn't never used, to later sell it.
The trip is a success, finding interesing equipment, but above all, some prototypes which never saw the light of day.
These prototypes are sold at a public auction, but before they are given to their purchaser, they must go throw an exam which will be done by a local engineer.
Released Date: 04/16/2019.

This is a fan-game of the popular franchise "Five Nights at Freddy's", owned by Scott Cawthon. This game occurs in the same universe as FNaF, but isn't canon due to being a fan-game.
The models and the map will never be available for download.
Please, do not ask for sequels.

Game Engine: Clickteam Fusion 2.5.
Modelling: Blender, Cycles render.
Textures: CG Textures.
Audio Editing: Audacity.
Thumbnail, header and teasers: Photoshop.
Original Idea: Scott Cawthon.
Mild Cartoon Violence