
Comments (28)

What do you think?

First of all; make your own sprites, don't use Game Maker's graphics.
I wouldn't use Game Maker's music either. There is plenty of music all around the internet. has a lot of free (game) music for example.

It's also pretty odd that the player's speed accelerates when he changes direction, like I could just press A and D over and over again until the player's speed would be so high that he would leave the room.

As Piter Gamer Games said, it does need more elements, like more enemies, obstacles, maybe highscores? But for a first game it's pretty decent I guess.

Pretty cool beat it in like 10 seconds though xdd


Good idea, but it needs better animations, music and more elements.
All levels are regular and boring.
Hint: Don't use game maker graphics.

It look pretty like mobile game. Easy control and no unnecessary elements. But I think music can be better and it need some animation too. Good luck with game.


Don't touch the BOMB

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

Don't touch the BOMB is my first game. So be fair please D:

Hello my name is Simon and I am 15 years old. I created this game 3 years ago, when I was 12. I live in Germany so my English is not the best. I made "Don't touch the BOMB" with Game Maker Lite. If you want to help me (I need a graphic artist) contact me on Game Jolt.

Don't touch the BOMB is a hard game. If there is anyone who don't fail in 1 level or more he should make a video and show me it. You control the caracter with WASD.

So thats all for the moment I hope you enjoy the game.


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Don't touch the BOMB

I would be so happy if you play my game and leave a comment.