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Johnny's loving the game! Come and play with The Band That Drips Blood: http://www.inopsproductions.com/the-band-that-drips-blood.html
Dont Play the Game
Noble Rube Gaming & InOps Productions proudly present:
In association with The Band That Drips Blood:
You’ve been warned...
There’s never been a video game like this before! With 13-bit graphics so real, your eyes will DRIP BLOOD! Excitement and adventure await… if you dare!
Johnny, the skeletal guitar player for The Band That Drips Blood, is trapped inside the video game world by the nefarious Pixelator. Only YOU have the power to help him escape with his bones intact. But it won’t be easy...
Battle a gigantic ancient creature from the depths of the ocean floor.
Find your way through the dark neon graveyard.
Chop up colossal cockroaches with your chainsaw. Ride your rocket skateboard through streets filled with mutated monstrosities.
Protect planet Earth against the alien menace from outer space.
Defeat the legions of razor-bots gone haywire.
Send the Pixelator back to his digital prison forever!
It’s all in a day’s work for The Band That Drips Blood. #retro #platformer #adventure #undead #music