Comments (2)
Ok this has some serious potential to be a charming little fan spinoff. But it needs quite a bit of polish.
Just to name a few examples. A lot of actions are kinda clunky, like using the flashlight or hiding in the wardrobe. I feel like it would have been better if you could just click on the hallway, vent, or wardrobe to interact with them instead of having to click a small grey bar at the bottom of the screen.
There also just isn't enough telegraphing in a lot of areas, like with Rush or Ambush and especially Hide. There's just now way of knowing when you're gonna get kicked out of the closet, and pair that with not really knowing exactly when Rush or Ambush is coming, just that they are, that leads to a lot of deaths that don't really feel fair.
All of that combined leads to a pretty clunky gameplay experience.
The UI in general is also pretty unfriendly. I mean I know Scratch is pretty darn limiting, but I've seen UI done way better in Scratch games before, so I know it's possible.
Overall though, charming little game with a lot of problems.
why is the link apk??? W H Y
Doors: Ultimate Custom Hotel BETA
Uh oh! You decided to become a hotel security guard. You didn't ask much about the hotel first, but apparently it's been taken over by entities from the Roblox game DOORS.
Doesn't look like it should be too hard to survive the night, but your employer says he'll give you extra pay for hazard work - the harder it is to survive, the more you get paid.
You play the game like you would any other Five Nights at Freddy's game. This game is specifically the most like FNAF 2, with a lot of animatronics and no closing doors. There are no cameras (what a bad security system).
Make sure you check the door and vent in the security room, listen carefully for approaching entities, and maybe look out the window for Smile. There's also a closet in the room, for hiding. Maybe that might help you fend off the entities.
You can use the mouse to move and click the two side buttons to change what you are looking at. You can use the left and right arrow keys to change this as well. Pressing SPACE or clicking the bottom button uses an action, like entering the closet or shining your flashlight.
Left - Look left
Right - Look right
Space - Use flashlight, enter closet
C - Relight candle
X - Exit ROOMS
Z - Shake shakelight
https://turbowarp.org/739350775 - Some vector assets from this project on Scratch
LSPLASH - Sounds from game
DOORS Wiki - Sound downloads