
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Cool stuff mate! Took me 3 takes to win though :)

good game

I am making it a part series... this is the first part.

Is not too fast? You put v0.2 and 5 hours later you put 1.0?

Sorry but I get mute :(



Version: 1.1.0over 9 years ago

DORK StandAlone

Version: 1.1.0over 9 years ago

Dork is a text adventure game inspired by zork. feel free to make a lets play video of this game. the more feed back i get the more inclined ill be to make a sequal. #gamersandplayers


1.1.0 is out! all the bugs have been fixed

Guys, let me know if you come across any more bugs

A Couple of Bugs... Fixes will be made.

1.0.0 is OUT!

this is the finished version of dork. Plz feel free to comment on imprvments and when you reach the to be conintue screen leave a comment.

0.2.0 is out

With this update you can go farther into the game. It is still not complete, but is being worked on every chance I get. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments section