Comments (2)
I had quite a lot of fun with this. Mechanics wise it was flawless and I found the puzzles to be difficult without being ridiculous.
I did a video on it here :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWARlYpI7Eg
dot O dot
You are alone, just a tiny crystal dot in a frigid, gravity-bending asteroid field. You came this way long ago, but you've forgotten the way. Dimly, you remember the actions necessary to pass each trial, but not how to use them. Perhaps things have changed in the many thousands of years since last you came this way. As your crystal material gathers interstellar radiation, you can use it to move yourself, or even, to warp gravity itself. Now, you must traverse the asteroid field using those half-forgotten rituals of the past. Move with the arrow keys and use space to activate a modifier. You must reach the portal at the end of the level to move to the next level.
Use arrow keys to move and space to use action. Has controller support.