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Version: 1.0.0over 3 years ago

DotKnot is a simple one click / one touch game.

In ARCADE Mode you play against the time and get some time back when you hit a dot. Every next level you must pick a new challenge. There is also a leaderboard for local and global integrated. When you reach a new highscore, you can choose a nickname and leave a message.

In CUSTOM Mode you can freely choose your settings and play without time.

At the options window you can set the game to Online-Mode!

Then you can see the scores of other players and them message.

I hope you enjoy!

ARCADE - Mode:

Special Dots:

  • " P ": Stop all the dots. So its easy to hit them.

  • " T ": You get full time back.

  • " S ": All fusionhed dots, who are not connected will split.

  • " X ": All small dots, who are not connected will explode!

Stars in Arcade:

Stars will pop out of dots and search a new dot to pop in. If you catch them you get some extrascore!


There are two scoreboards:

  • Local:

  • Shows all local highscores. You can set the maximum in the options.
    If you choose a name who already exists just the highest score will display.

  • Global:

  • Shows the highest score from everybody who plays the game online.
    You can have just one entry per machine, no matter what a name.
    Leave a massage to motivate other players :-)
    From time to time, i will reset the leaderboard and save it online, so you can see it.

The game is also on Android at the Play Store available! Here is a link:

#arcade #pointnclick #2d #colorful #music #short #other

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