I'm making a remake of my old scratch game
Its playable now (kinda)
It's made in Scratch, just like my old game #retro #arcade #shooter
Gonna Stop with updates for now.
I need to learn GameMaker to make this game actually good so brb for some time
-Fixed bugs
Update (again -_-)
- Added screen effect (will be fixed sometime)
-Fixed enemy position (now spawns in left and right side of the screen)
-Added Music (made by Ahiru, my friend <-- check him out :D)
-Some sfx are in the game
-You can restart by pressing r
-Fixed some bugs
New Update:-Fixed Dash (loads up for 10 seconds)
-Kind off a Enemy death animation
-Lazy but working death screen-Main menu
-Score (so you can flex on ur friends how much u got)
Dash is on space btw :>