
Comments (7)

What do you think?

looks great

and also is unplayable

btw in options for change ki is the key enter or exit if u press it

How I can to charge my Ki?

how to select as player 2?


Dragon Ball Ultimate JUS Battle MUGEN

Version: 1.0.0over 4 years ago

esse MUGEN conta com 123 chars e 15 stages

this MUGEN has 123 chars and 15 stages

This is the default key configuration. You can change it from the

options menu when you run the game.

Button Player 1 Player 2

------ -------- --------

Up Up arrow W

Down Down arrow S

Left Left arrow A

Right Right arrow D


Y semicolon T

Z double-quote Y

A comma F

B period G

C slash H

Start Enter U

If you have a joystick, you can enable it through the options screen.

Press F1 to access Input Config and set up your joystick from there.

Press left/right on the joystick type option to enable or disable

the joystick for each player.

#action #adventure #arcade #platformer #multiplayer #retro #MUGEN #mugen #ANIME #anime #DRAGONBALL #dragonball #dbs #DBS

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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