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Draw Online

Version: 1.0.0about 8 years ago

Draw Online is a game where you can draw with your friends on a local network.

•Extremely large drawing area
•15 colors to choose from
•Very easy to make and join a server
•Supports small servers of a few people, to large servers of dozens of people
•Server computer can clear the drawing area

The port is a variable that you must set before joining or starting a server. The client and server's port must match in order to join. The port can be any number between 2000 and 65535.

The IP address is another variable that must be set in order to join a server. The IP address must match the IP address of the server computer. To find out what the IP address is, go to the command prompt and type "ipconfig". It is the "ipv4 address".

•Left/right/up/down: Move your viewing area
•Backspace: If you are using the server computer, clear the screen
•Click: Draw
•Other controls listed in program

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