
Comments (12)

What do you think?

so is this going to have many different dreams and dream types? If so that would be really awesome and interesting

Just curious but is this still in development? If no I wont be mad, just a bit dissapointed.

I hope that will be something like Forgotten... But better.

This is the first time I've actually seen someone make a game about changing dreams. I'm really hoping this will be good.

Ok Mr.Morse you best finish it you ass

A game about dreams. How they can change so rapidly without apparent reason. How they represent us, our personality, our thoughts, our fears. And how they end...without warning.

Mild Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference
Mild Language

Still alive.

Hello, I know it’s been awhile and I’m sorry about that. But I want you guys to know the project is still alive! It may be some more time before it’s out fully, but know one day it will. That is all.