Comments (8)
Hey everyone,
It's me, the old developer from this game. I just came here to take a trip down memory lane and I am super happy the game didn't get scrapped and TJ actually went through and worked on it, I really like how his passion for game design didn't fall through, I was happy to see the game I just made as a platforming tech test become the game it is today. I guess what I am trying to say is, thanks for keeping the dream alive TJ.
New Update My Fellows!
A few new levels (More coming soon guys, trust me)
Two new cheats in the cheats menu
More test levels accessible from the debug menu (if you're into that)
The new Local Multiplayer Mode (2 players)(More Comming next update)
Updated Reset physics
Level Transitions
And Probably more I'm forgetting
I hope you guys have fun with the new update and the new two-player mode!
New Update Everyone!
This version Adds
Secret Easter Egg on Main Menu
New Levels (Not as many as this update was focused on items (still quite a bit though))
New Objects (Currently only used in...)
Extra Levels, that are accessed from the Main Menu
Updated Jump Physics (You can think of it as a new jump after walking off a ledge, and the system is used in the new...)
Cheats Menu
Water (I liked this item so much, I put in here, still only used in extra levels currently)
Sound Test
New Boss in World 1
Level Redesign in world 1 to fix difficulty issue
Bug Fixes
Removed Secret Outfit (Either that or I forgot how to access it)
And More (That I have forgotten)
Enjoy the new 0.0.5 Update everyone!
If you find bugs or have suggestions, please put them in the comments!
New Update Everyone!
-Re adds Credits Page
-New Levels
-New Power Ups
-More Story
-Hub World
-New Blocks
-Secret Outfit
-More Fun!
Enjoy 0.0.4 Everyone!
Feedback is appreciated!
Just letting everyone know, that I was the Co-Dev of this game until the dev abandoned it. I probably wont add many updates, but I at least added some stuff to the game and reuploaded it for everyone to play.
dSaturate 0.0.4
-New Levels
-Power Ups
-Hub World
-Secret Outfit
-New Blocks
-More Story
-More Fun
dSaturate 0.0.5
dSaturate 0.0.6
Multiplayer Update
One day a boxed creature named Jayden sets off to find color from his desaturated world. Will he find color and be able to refill the world full of color?
Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans