Comments (20)
I understand the meaning of the game now. The Robot was made by The Maker, as were all the other robots, who worship The Maker. However, The Robot was glitched and able to see his world for what it truly is. In his attempt to find his "father, The Maker, The Robot uses his powers to find him, all the while remembering the laws of robotics. However, once he reaches him, The Maker sends him down the pit, back to the beginning. Implied through the text, the only true way to "win" is to kill The Maker, which is impossible, since it violates The Robot's laws.
I like it, but I hate the arrow-keys...
Hey, nice game, I like this old-school vector effect, how did you made it?
Hey, are you going to Nationals? It's me second place winner, I just posted up my game. Shores of Commerce. I've added a ton of new features but it's not done yet, I still need to debug and add a storyline. But all the main features are there, check it out man. Hope to see you in a couple of days if you are going to nationals.
It was odd... I got to the end (I think), but it moved to a cutscene and went back to level 1. Is it a paradox or something? The game Is pretty decent beyond that, even if it is slow. The gameplay mechanic of switching between physical and virtual worlds was pretty neat.
Game Soundtrack
There is only one human, and everyone else is a robot. All the robots credit The Human with their creation and recognize him as a deity. You are a special robot as you can see a second, hidden world that nearly mimics the normal, first world. Confused why you have been granted this power, you go to seek out advice from the human as your only explanation.
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Lead programmer was spferical http://gamejolt.com/profile/spferical/54193/
and orginal score by bzforge http://gamejolt.com/profile/donovanwyatt/25125/
and art by raven http://gamejolt.com/profile/t3r3zipyr0p3/215382/