
Comments (3)

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After the tragic events of Duncan & Friends' Fast Food of an employee getting beaten to death, the animatronics were stored in a warehouse for safety reasons and prevention of lawsuits. Somebody named Mr. Rogers has taken the nightguard position to watch the animatronics overnight to see if they act up. Hopefully, Mr. Rogers working here will help solve the problems with the animatronics.


Main Nights: 10%

Custom Night: 0%

Character AI: 0%

Cameras: 3%

Office: 95% (might change)

Title Screen: 85%

Other Graphics: 42%

Extras: 0%

Endings/Rewards: 0%

Full-On Progress: Unknown until the office is finished

#fangame #horror #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

God, school is just....

Here has a gameplay screenshot, office is still a WIP somewhat.

Random fact: My OC is 6 feet tall

I know I haven't posted in... almost a month now but if any of you have school right now... then you'd probably understand.

Working on a sneak peek so yall are gonna get something in a couple of hours, depending how long it takes the video to process.

lol. Gamejolt's recommending me my own game.

Game ain't dead lol

Turns out I actually found the rest of the "unwithereds" so turns out I didn't lose 'em after all.


So about the unbrokens or whatever you call them. The characters before they were all beaten up and stuff. Yeah, those aren't gonna be in the Extras anymore. I lost the models.

The only ones I was able to save were me, Mohammed, and Omar.

So uh yeah, RIP.

Something WIP.

Not much but at least it's something for the time being.

Really sorry for the lack of updates. I'm currently going through some tough crap right now and getting stressed so there's gonna be a character (maybe two) that are getting replaced because I'm not sure what else to do.

Oh my gosh, I really don't like being tired. I even fell asleep during the day. UUUUUUUUUGH.

Anyways, here's the finished Mohammed model comparison. All images on the page will be updated once I finish Omar.