Comments (24)
I don't really get how I can play games like Amnesia and Outlast and not be bothered but ones like this that suggest horror without endless jump scares leave me so un nerved. You are doing something very right with this project.
Take me down to Dust City where buildings are empty and everything's SPOOKY!
I- don't- wanna!
This game is incredible. At times it makes you feel at peace, and at times it makes you paranoid and afraid. The object of the game from what I understand is to explore 5 worlds and get an artifact in them. These give you a password, which are needed to open the RAR files (each named after a demon) included with the game. In them are various items, such as strange pictures, "transmission" mp3's, a web based text adventure game, 3 garbled text files (it's possible to make out what they're saying, if you put effort into it), and finally a nice ambiance track. Great experience, 9.5/10.
Wow. Everything about this game is amazing. The atmosphere, the levels just everything. It was confusing though, I didn't understand what I was supposed to do with the names and the codes. Until...
Im not sure if there are spoilers in this next paragraph or not but beee warrneed
I had just written down the code in the 5th room I was in, Agares, and I wanted to get back. But instead of pressing t, I pressed ESC. I WAS FURIOUS. I opened it back up and had to start over. And on the third room I pressed ESC AGAIN!! I gave up and just decided to look through the folders (usually what I do when I finish a game, or just give up) and that's when I saw the names of the things I wrote down as the files. I realized that you needed the code for each of the folders! I still don't exactly know if that's the point of the game but it's good enough for me. Amazing game. 7/10
Fantastic atmosphere. Awesome architecture. Mysteries galore. I love it!
Satellite imagery verifies that the city had not existed within the crater prior to 12 hours ago.
You have been randomly selected to investigate the city in the crater to search for anomalies, artifacts, or clues as to the nature of the city.
Standard issue Esotech Arcanodex 5 (included)
Pencil and paper (not included)
Level 3 magical protection (provided by Agency-appointed staff ritualist)
Due to the hazardous and unpredictable nature of 'Doors,' the Agency will be incapable of monitoring your progress should you enter a building or structure. In such an event, utmost caution is to be used.
DUST CITY is the first complete 3D game by me, Kitty Horrorshow!! scour a ruined city for strange artifacts! jump around and touch crystals! listen to the humming of unnatural geometry! and much more!! it's pretty rough around the edges i'm sure but i'm really proud of it. the game is COMPLETELY FREE with the option to donate at the webpage if you liked it a whole lot and feel like supporting my work, but only if you can ABSOLUTELY afford to, okay?
thanks for playing! <3