Comments (1)
Fun game I would love to see more
This was made for Ludum Dare 29, the theme: Beneath the Surface.
The game is really short and sparce on mechanics, but tell me what you think of it, or if there are any bugs
The premise is that a group of archaeologists and explorers discover the subterranean caverns of an ancient tribe, guarded by an ancient earth demon. You play are that demon.
However, your are bound to earth, and can only move within the ground and rocks.
I'm too tired to put in a tutorial right now, so here are the instructions. They're pretty simple.
1 The game is controled with the mouse
2At the begining of each stage click somewhere in the ground to spawn
3The earth spirit will follow your cursor
4click on nearby rocks to enter them, click on nearby tiles to exit
R- reset level
M-mute sounds