Uh oh... Dylan has thrown you into his lair, filled with his old creations and oddities of his past. Sit yourself through this custom hell, and you just might escape Dylan's Grasp.
You have a door infront of you and 2 open door on the left and right. You may shut the door infront of you, but you can only a light on both sides. You have a mask at your disposal, which may fend off certain characters. Your cameras have a spray button on them, this can keep a certain character at his current spot. You may close the vent on Cam10A. Be careful, the vent uses a seperate power system that runs out quickly.
There are 23 characters (not counting the 5 secret ones) that you can encounter throughout your nightshift. Each of 23 characters have optional hard modes, which give a small twist on the character. There are modifiers you can activate, the 2 being Long nights (Increases the night length by 1 minute and 30 seconds and Blind mode (Changed your vision to only be a flashlight's size). There are many challenges you can conquer, so go and try 'em!
@TurtleBoard - Coded the entire game, Made some characters, Made Enviroment art, Made promotional art, Overall creator.
@ConsumeIce - Made most characters, Made most mechanics, the reason this game exists.
@realscawthon - Made Five Nights at Freddy's, D-Co 9 and Chica's Magic Rainbow.
@ChuckParker1126 - Made Rabby, in Cam6A.
@ASprout - Suggested: "FNARRWNCO".
@LunaticByte , @DiamondAce , @bunkaman , @Eiklips - Playtesters
Mild Cartoon Violence
Crass Humor
Dylan's Pie and Icecube Feast, Gamepage running now! Give it a follow!