
Dynasty Heroes
China in the year 189 is a land of civil war and strife. After murdering the young Emperor, corrupt politician Zhongying has risen to the rank of Prime Minister and installed the late Emperor’s younger brother on the throne as a puppet. A coalition of lords have gathered their armies and marched on the capital to thwart Zhongying’s evil plans.
Zhongying, fearing defeat at the hands of the coalition, contrives a plan to save his reign. Forcing the young puppet Emperor to put his crown on the line, the lords of the land are welcomed into the capital to fight in a series of one-on-one competitions to name the new Emperor. The competition is split into a dozen three-man teams.
This is the story of one of those teams.
Manage a team of 3 ancient warriors in a bid to become Emperor of Han Dynasty China.
RPG-style battles, with a one-on-one flare!
Talented voice actors bring the characters to life in battle!
Setting-appropriate music!
Enjoy the humor of a parody of the Chinese classic Sanguo Yanyi (Romance of the Three Kingdoms).