
Comments (6)

What do you think?

im a christian and i disapprove of this game! (just kidding, this game is really good, yet im a christian but this is a game so just end me now)

good game

This game is really interesting and funny. I included it in part 3 of my Easter Egg Jam compilation video series, if you'd like to give it a look :)

Evil game!


Easter is a great time for serial killers

Version: 1.0.0almost 11 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

8-Bit I see fire

Take on the role of Jesus (the bunny isnt yet implemented), killing mercilessly in order to save Easter!

Movement: WASD
RClick: Shoot easter eggs
LClick: Attack
LCtrl: Stealth

How to play:
Keep on collecting souls by either: killing the cute little cylinder dude, stomping on bugs, Using the chance machine, using the EasterCosmobogulator or just waiting for random events.
Upon collecting a soul the soul counter will increase. Each soul has a different value so some may largely increase your soul counter while others may barely affect it.
Every second souls will be taken away from you; Every fifteen seconds the amount of souls taken away doubles (10/20/40/80/160/240 etc) this makes it increasingly harder to maintain your soulScore.
If all your souls are taken away you lose the game.

How to get souls:

The bugs give the lowest amount of souls, with the lowest value.
Upon being stepped on by either the Player or the little dude, they are killed and drop a soul with a value of 1 to 100.
There are 60 on the map at any given time.

Little white cylinder dude:
This little dude wanders the map aimlessly.
Using right click to throw Easter eggs near him will catch his interest forcing him to run over to it and pick it up, however if you get too close he will frantically speed away. Using LCtrl to stealth will disguise you as a tree therefore stopping the poor little dude from detecting your presence making him feel calm and slow down.
Using LeftClick you may attack the little dude, killing him in about 4-5 hits. On death he will drop a soul with the second lowest value of 100, 10000.

Chance Machine:
The chance machine, when activated, has a 1/10 chance of dropping souls with a value of 3, 30000. However there are 9/10 chances it will fail and take away 1000 souls instead.

Random Events:
There is a 5/100 chance every few seconds that a disaster will take place on earth. Depending on the disaster the souls value's scale from 25000/50000/100000/200000.

Using Jesus' awesome heaven technology you can transmute the easter eggs thrown with RightClick, into soul value per second! This is a great way to start off how ever late game it struggles to compete with the force stealing your souls from you. This can be very useful as in a minute you can get yourself 1000 Soul value per second which is 60000 per minute allowing you to stay alive that much longer.

Ultimately there is no winning to this game. Score is how long taken until loss.

All models were made by me apart from the knife.

Made for the #EasterEggJam thanks to Ivano & Jupiter

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence


Finished A few hours ago! awesome jam!