
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Cool Mod! Vandazlied His Custom Maps Too! :)

Wonderful Update so far.

next mod how to:how to isaac basics in uneducation unmath and undiscord

this is a mod before raldi existed

this is funny than raldi

Thumbnail: GAY

Me: *clicks instantly*


How to Baldi's Basics Expensive Unexclusive Edition Full Release

Version: 1.3.0almost 5 years ago

code fix update

Version: 1.3.1almost 5 years ago

MY FIRST MOD IN 2020! To lazy to write down a good description. All i know is that it's a vandalized version of Baldi's Basics Free Exclusive Edition (also intended to mock this mod too!). So yeah, enjoy this crap i made


Paulor94 - a hero who made BBRMS

Tutorials used: (for the color change on every exit doors reached!)

and so on!

Original by LimonGames

Parody by Cotepus

Oh and yes, like I promised, i removed things that made fun of CS124 to avoid controversy, especially Pink Guy's legs. However, i am still Cotepus's/@r3al_Cotepus ' alt, or a nicer back up account! This gamepage will have more stuff included.

Same screenshots as the old versioncuz I'm lazy. But donut worry! I'll do it tomorrow because there's always enought time tomorrow.

For people who wants to do math here's a hint: If you see a - sign, it means to add, or if you see a + sign, it means to subtract! (written near the pad!) #fangame #action #adventure #arcade #retro #comedy #puzzle

Songs used:

Cartoon - Why We Lose (ded hoovy, earrape)

Muzzy - New Age (ambience, earrape)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mature Humor
Simulated Gambling


9 followers for the full release


So how'd ya like my new update?

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