Comments (12)
NO. i cant :( Hmm, its a good concept though. needs more work and no instant death like that.
I like the concept. Its a bit confusing that the collectables have the same collor as the stuff that kills you. A different color would solve that.
Are these particles randomized? How did you do that.
Flixel ftw! Nice work.
greetz v.
god damn thats addicting
Nice work. It is very difficult to be sure. I might be missing something- can you do anything besides go up and down until the end of the game? Anyway well done, straightforward representation of the upgrade concept.
Alright!Thanks for the tip!:)
This is an entry to the November Experimental Gameplay Project with the theme of Upgrade. In this game you control the comet Elenin as it makes it way towards Earth. Gather dust particles smaller than you to grow bigger. The white blocks are particles you can gather. If you hit a particle bigger than you its game over.