Comments (1)
Sounds like a very interesting concept for a game. Any chance you need a male voice actor?
Ellen's Mind
In this game, the player will take on the role of an average school girl with a unique talent for maths. Ellen (Main Character) is a highly intelligent girl in the subject of mathematics. She is treated differently in her class compared to her fellow students and receives more difficult tests when exam day comes around. You begin the game by receiving an exam, although this is different to previous exams as your teacher, Mr. Edwards has decided to add in Data Calculations into your exam. A topic which Ellen has never came across yet. You proceed with the test until you come across a specific data equation which triggers your brain into an ‘Active Coma’.
During this active coma you explore the levels your mind developed being only directed by Ellen’s Conscience and the player must explore Ellen’s mind in order to awake from the coma. Your goal is to find out why your brain was triggered by this certain equation and find out what ever other sinister acts are involved.
Feedback Form: https://docs.google.com/a/pulsecollegestudent.com/forms/d/1OiBldVQlxnPt94I7RM5Otyw4I2uRzjaSFEH-8XaiKK0/viewform