Comments (761)

beat all max mode :)
I keep seeing comments about people being confused about Joe.
You do not wait until he leaves when he's in the vent, that's how you're dying. As he turns his head, you will see the red in his eyes turn off briefly, that's when you turn the lights back on. Only when the red glow in his eyes is briefly gone, anything else, and you're dead. Hope this clears up the confusion.
Also, this game is NOT a virus. Some anti-virus' are super protective (which isn't necessary a bad thing) and will sometimes flag games made in Clickteam Fusion 2.5 as a false positive. If you get that warning, you can safely ignore and play the game.
papyrus from undertale
The Official Download for ELLIE'S.
ELLIE'S v2 Alpha Build + MFA release
This is the old scrapped build of "ELLIE'S" prior to the significant reboot, known as V3. Please note that this build does not reflect the final main download nor is it V3 itself. It was an unfinished work in progress containing bugs and unfinished features. This particular build was discarded due to my dissatisfaction with its outcome, which prompted the creation of V3. The purpose of V3 was to address the concerns people had with the game and make it more intricate and engaging, moving away from its initial complexity.
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans