
Comments (10)

What do you think?

very cool. Hoping for an Android 4.1 APK to be able to play it on the OUYA and or the nVidia Shield. Great. Glad you finished your game.

I have some requests: please fix diagonal movements, make rapidfire, remove player's shoot sound and add it to the enemies. Thanks and congrats!

He have a very good gameplay in schwazerblitz, now i know from where he come

Having a blast playing the game, love the concept and the soundtrack! Looks amazing too!

My Let's Play: "Flight School | ENiGMA"


ENiGMA - version 1.2.0

Version: 1.2.0almost 4 years ago

"So, this is it. My name is K-069, and I'm a GHA.

What's a GHA?! Hey! Where have you been in the last century?

GHA stands for Genetically Hybridized Androids.

Yeah, I'm a robot, an android... or a gynoid, if you prefer.

Not that this make much more sense, since I haven't any reproductive organs. By the way, I'm self conscious... or at least, I think so. I know I exist, I know I live and I know I will take part in a sort of suicide mission. In practice, we GHA are pawns, acting on an enormous chessboard: the Universe.

Earth Government is employing us as expendable fighters. Once we seat in our airships, we are nothing but tools of war.

War... against who?

Well, this is too much difficult to answer. I have no idea, either. I'm just aware I will seat on one of that damn ships to mash some other vehicles, that's all.

Trust me, this is not stimulating at all."

ENiGMA is a classic top down Shoot'em Up built form scrap on RMXP as a tribute to the Aero Fighters/Sonic Wings series. The game is complete and stable, so you can freely enjoy it :D


  • 8-mission story mode told via hand-drawn cutscenes and immersive music;

  • 8 giant boss to annihilate, exploiting all your weaponry;

  • Mission Mode to replay story missions at will;

  • 51 achievements to fulfill;

  • 18 leaderboards to top;

  • 8 different starships, each one with unique characteristics;

  • 1 secret mode to unlock;

  • 2 secret features to unlock;

  • 50 FPS of fluid bullet-storm gameplay

Please, feel free to comment ;) Any feedback is appreciated!

P.S,: Please, read the "README" before playing or asking for support;)

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

A sample of boss mode, against Mission #5 boss Dullahan (my most hated one to face) using the Veckert starship. When dying in boss mode, you are given a cooldown time before you can act again, instead of having to press continue.

I know this is a bit out of left field... but after 6 years I have *actually* updated the current build of ENiGMA to the latest version, removing the "clear all achievements" for the last story chapter and adding smoother controls :)


Now ENiGMA has been provided with *actual gameplay videos!* Be sure to check it out on the game page :D
New updates coming soon ;)

Starships, starships, starships...

I never thought I'd be frying over a jungle!