Comments (4)
I did a compilation video of some of the random games in the bad bos art compilation and added yours to the video! This game was pretty interesting and started stressing me out since I chicken peck when I type lol. great job!
compilation - https://youtu.be/23evZdbuNAo
Interesting game. I included it in a compilation video series of the games from this jam, if you’d like to check it out :) https://youtu.be/Yt64xXPDkTA

wasn't too fond of it at first but the game does make a great job with its athmosphere as it goes on
Write the words you see on the screen before they disappear in this fast-paced game. Every word bring you a point. Every missed word, lowers your green bar, when it reaches zero, it's game over. The more you write the harder it gets. #badboxart