Comments (4)
Pretty fun, was not sure what the subtract was for in the beginning, but I got it eventually..
The UI presentation could use some work for clarification, but fun idea!
Very challenging to get the hang of, I like it
A game about adding, a game about subtracting, and a game where 1 + 9 = 1, and 0 - 6 = 3, but 2 + 2 = 4 obviously.
I added alot of text on the start screen to read before you play because I know you like that. There you'll find instructions, info on controls and stuff. If you want more text to read (and I know you do), then press 't' on the start screen and you'll be treated with super tips to help net you an even tastier score.
It's possible to get a score higher than 999 but it's ultra tricky so I'll be really impressed if you do.
The font used is Inconsolata, a lovely free font by Raph Levien which you can get here: http://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html
Bfxr was used for audio effects: