Comments (14)
Do to the incedible popularity of this game I have started a sequel
Cute. I died very quickly. A slime attacked me first thing, then a goblen. Oh the fun times.
4 Stars! Great game! See my full review here:
Epic Prose is even better now! checkout Epic Prose Special Edition! It has everything from the original plus more! You can choose your path, Good or Evil!
Ah, a good old text-based RPG. The premise and gameplay don't do much for me, but as a genre it has potential, and there are many ways the presentation could be improved: buttons, illustrations, an actual story to go with the action... Epic Prose is a good, solid foundation for a much better future game, despite some flaws.
Epic Prose
Epic Prose is a text adventure set in the mythical land of Epica, you play the soul surviver of a village destroyed by a dragon. It was a early class project that I was very satisfied with. It differs from traditional text games in the environment, rather than a grid that is travelled by N,S,E,W directions, you travel to the different locations by typing the place you want to go, but may get attacked along the way. There is lots of in game help, just type, help, info or hint. The game is quite complete takes, about 20 min to beat. I would love to hear what people think.
#textadventure #text #adventure #textgame #fantasy #rpg #textbased #turnbased #retro #console #interactivefiction #quest #ascii #epic #prose #logicandchaos
I did notice a bug after uploading, it does not launch through Game Jolt, but if you go to the folder and run it works fine