
Comments (104)

What do you think?

Hey, I have a question for you

I legit cried at the end of the game. I knew that the best ending was (insert name of hero here) dying, but still i got so attached to him. Also Devorus was an asshole with all those debuffs. Also also Anivia is the true MVP of this game, so suck it Auron.

Holy butts this looks awesome. I doubt I'd ever be able to make a game like this, quite literally if I keep using damn RPG Maker XP, I really should upgrade to VX Ace ha. I'm going to download this and add it to my "to let's play" list.


That was quite a ride, il get to work on the second one soon. I also finished my new slenderman game if you would like to try, I sadly cannot do a review of my own game...haha. But your game is very good, its a shame I'm only skilled in 3D because I would loved to have participated, if you ever do a 3D version let me know. Anyway link for everyone to see is below. Again great work.

Youtube: Fellowplayer

Thank you so much for asking me to play this game. You aimed at making an rpg game for rpg players and you nailed it! Simple yet refined mechanics and increased difficulty instantly make this game my new addiction. Again thank you Button Glutton for making this game. I cannot wait to play and enjoy more. In the meantime heres the lets play i made for the game, hope you all enjoy:


Erithian Tale: Untold

Version: 0.5.0over 9 years ago

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Begone, monster! (Victory Theme)

Button Glutton's debut title, ET:U

We'd like to dedicate this game to Markiplier, the popular youtube personality. We're all big fans of his and we have been sense before even One million subs.

If the game fails to run once you download it, try downloading the VX ACE RTP, which can be found here!

Do keep in mind you may need 7zip or Cam unzip for this.

If you've followed these steps and still cannot run the game, please let me know.

Introducing, Erithian Tale: Untold

In this game, you'll grind to defeat tough enemies and crawl through treacherous dungeons, all the while, talking to your team mates and

building your bond with them so that they preform well in battle.

Scan the enemy and reveal their weaknesses to gain the upperhand!

Battle secret bosses, explore vast landscapes and find many treasures.


*Erithian Tale: Untold*** **


Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes

5.0 Patch Notes

-Lowered the stats and heal probability of a certain boss.
-A certain boss now has a chance to drop up to 3 Angel Statues
-Various other minor bug and typo fixes.

Bugs fixed.

The game should be running just right now, if you have to start over we apologize greatly. The game has been acting up alot lately, so has the engine. But itโ€™s our firm belief there should no longer be any more problems.

Do not download yet

We accidentally uploaded an old prototype in our last patch. This is not the right game.

We are fixing this now.

We're sorry...

Version 4.0 patch notes.

-Fixed a fatal bug causing instant game over at a certain part in-game.
-Multiple typo fixes.
-Certain enemy debuffs.
-Raised the drop rate of some items.