Comments (83)
Yo, i seen the shit u put up here a while ago and then i see u come out with this. Massive fuckin improvement dude, the graphics actually look damn good now and are animated well, the battle system is good and pretty interesting right now altho it is pr much a clone of lisa's but thats not a huge deal because i think you've modified the game enough to call it your own and not a shitty lisa ripoff anymore. The characters so far are better realized and have better dialogue now aswell, altho there are still a lot of places with bad english or weird formatting, so just check up on those and i'd say you have good project going! I can officially say that i am a fan and i cant wait for you to post an update soon. -Ya Boi.
Wow, uh, I'd been following the games development (not closely enough to know details, but close enough to know a general concept) and I'm actually really surprised. I've spent way too much time around people who write bad fanfics, because I was expecting a much worse reaction than the one you gave. You listened to the criticism and decided to work together with someone to make a better product. That's WAY more than I can say for some people. Kudos, dude. You're worthy of the name "Alexander" after all.
This game made my day. 1/1
It's been months, but I am still believing there is hope for this game.
New art style is dope as hell. Keep up the kickass work!
Escape From Detroit
UPDATED 2024 escape from detroit demo
This is a game where survival is key, everyone you talk to has an impact on you whether you know it or not. You are trying to Find Gilbert so he can help you and your son (son mostly)to survive. some people hate you, others don't care but you have to survive to find the truth. This game was made with the inspiration of Pokemon, Final Fantasy, and Lisa. As well as Escape from LA the inside of the city will be filled with crazies, and amazing quests. this is a somewhat parody game as well as an emotional binding to deal with depression. when your sad you try to make yourself happy to forget the bad things, this my definition for this game.
for those looking for fun and action this is a game I could recommend. it starts slow (like most games) but builds something completely internally. this new version is hardly done but I uploaded because it will progress in stages of the game, this is the first stage but you will be able to retrace your steps unlike the last one.