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who tf is lois fonsi and in what way is he connected to bonzi buddy

Kino game



Version: 1.1.0almost 3 years ago

eua PL Translation

Version: 1.0.1about 3 years ago

eua is a very short and silly RPG. Your goal is to become stronger, defeat evil and find out what the fuck is eua. You will meet many charismatic allies along the way. Good luck!




-Made Luis Fonsi's theme not earrape

-Added funny dialogues

-Tweaked some music


-Removed some unnecessary default files

-Fixed certain dialogues not functioning as intended

(Save files made on v1.0.0 will not work on future versions)


I release the game.


(Obviously spoilers)

You should start out by heading to the minecart and recruiting Brazil Guy as an ally. Talk to Zoro Dog, who will hook you up with MP potions and Gandhi's sword. Equip the sword to Man of Boat, and kill some imps on Lava Island.

You can reach max level from 2 imp encounters. Use a prayer potion to get enough MP to cast Sex Attack. You are ready for the first boss. Head to the pentagram on Snow Island and fight Luis Fonsi. Spam Sex Attack, keeping him stunlocked. Remember to keep Man of Boat's MP up with potions.

Once you reach continent 2, go to the shop and stock up. Free the trapped individual, gaining your fourth party member. Return to continent 1 to level him up. Fonsi will now let you travel back and forth. You are ready for Pai Mei, the second boss.

Employ the same strategy as you did with Luis. He will award you with the Caestus of Sex Master Hoss. Give this to Brazil Guy. Speak to him again to learn of the destination of your journey. The forest you are seeking is at the south east of the island. Make sure you stock up on all items before departing.

Enter the forest and continue to the cave. You will soon reach the final boss. He is slightly more complex than the previous two, as he is quite resistant to stun. Keep using Sex Attack with Man of Boat. Use items with the remaining two characters. If no healing is needed, feel free to use black tar heroin on the boss as it deals damage.

Eventually, you will whittle the boss' hp down and win the fight. At this point, you have reached the end of the game.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Drug Use
Mature Humor
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