Comments (3)
Idk what this is but it looks interesting and I will be playing it later tonight.
Great game, just not sure what to do with the cash.
Eustus: On the Squid Farm
Eustus: On the Squid Farm - Source Code
Eustus: On The Squid Farm, A game by Jared Saizdelamora
Created for Ludum Dare 32, "An Unconventional Weapon"
-WASD/Arrow Keys (move)
-Mouse (rotate view)
-Shift (hold to run)
-Mouse click (attack)
-1,2,3,4,5 (cycle between different attack/utility squids after you've discovered them)
-Space (jump)
-E (when prompted)
Eustus is a simple squid farmer with a big problem; at the end of the month, he needs to come up with $500 dollars to pay his mortgage, or risk his farm be repossessed by the bank. So what's a squid farmer to do? Why, farm some squids, of course!
Your goal is to head out into the world, hunting and battling for food, which you can then take back to Eustus' cabin and feed to the mothersquid, allowing her to lay a fresh brood of squids. Then, you can take them out to Eustus' squid stand and sell them off for cash.
Take care in combat, for if you lose all 3 of your hearts, you'll be penalized and sent back to an earlier state. You can replenish hearts by purchasing them from the refrigerator in Eustus' cabin.
Take care outside, as when the sun sets and darkness falls, larger and far more deadly creatures can be found wondering the wilds. You can choose to sleep the night away at the mattress at Eustus' cabin.
Scattered across the world are various powerful squids that Eustus can use as both tools and weapons; Such as the squid hammer, which deals massive damage to enemies; The lantern squid, which helps to light the way; Or even the fabled cosmic squid, with super space age powers! Unconventional to be sure, but a squid farmer's gotta do what a squid farmer's gotta do.
Thanks for taking the time to play E:OTSF! This is my second entry into the Ludum Dare comp, my first being the rpg-ish story generator Papercuts. As with most Ludum Dare projects, I intended to add a whole bunch more to this game, particularly in fitting with the theme, and adding all sorts of strange and nonsensical weapon and utility squids. But alas, 2 days is all to short a time, so most of that ended up on the cutting room floor. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy, and please make a point to play as many LD games as you can this season!