
Comments (12)

What do you think?

This game and QOG's "Modnar Ssob" are going to be put into one - if you don't mind.

Isn't this NAL's game?

really nice game! simple and awesome, loved the graphics

I hate to downrate, but I honestly think there is nothing great about this game. It hurt my eyes, but that's all it did really.

Fantastic game, I love everything about it! Except that sometimes its a little hard to tell whats going on.



Version: 1.0.0almost 16 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Allison James - EverScrollingTune

Bizarre game that most will see as eye candy, but is actually a not-bad arcade bullet-hell shooter. An enemy floats around shooting in as many directions as the wave number. You use your stream of bullets to take his down while killing him and protecting yourself. Kill the enemy and he becomes stronger (and you get more points). Keep going until you run out of health, which is shown in large for a second or so when you get shot. Points at top. Controls shown in-game. And, of course, all displayed in lovely sprays of colour (where it gets its name - the hue of all the in-game stuff is constantly changing).

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